Additional loan for administration building at Seetalplatz Lucerne

August 2024

The Lucerne cantonal government is applying for an additional loan of CHF 14.25 million for the cantonal administration building on Seetalplatz. This is necessary due to increased personnel requirements and additional structural requirements.

In 2021, the people of Lucerne voted in favour of the construction of an administration building on Seetalplatz and approved a special loan of CHF 177.4 million. Due to staff growth and unexpected construction requirements, the cantonal government is now requesting an additional credit of CHF 14.25 million. In particular, the increased number of employees in the cantonal administration, especially in the Asylum and Refugee Service, requires an expansion of office space.

In addition to the increase in space, structural adjustments will be made in order to fulfil the ecological requirements of Lucerne’s climate policy. These include an extension of the photovoltaic system from the roof area to the building façade as well as a possible extension of the building in the inner courtyard, which will lead to an improved utilisation of the property. In addition, further cost increases will arise due to building permit requirements.

Central point of contact for the population
Once completed in 2026, the administration building will house more than 2,000 cantonal employees and offer centralised services for the population at an easily accessible location in Lucerne North. The ground-breaking ceremony took place in September 2023 and construction work is progressing according to plan.

The Cantonal Council will decide on the additional loan in the October session.

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