Zug Estates places third green bond

August 2024

Zug Estates Holding AG has successfully placed another green bond for CHF 100 million. By expanding its green bond framework into a comprehensive green finance framework, the company is setting new standards in sustainable property financing. 95% of the portfolio now qualifies as green properties that meet the highest environmental standards.

Zug Estates Holding AG has taken another significant step in its sustainable finance strategy. Following the successful launch of green bonds in 2019 and the complete conversion of the bond portfolio to green bonds in 2022, the company has now placed another green bond for CHF 100 million. The issue, which will be paid out on 30 September 2024, has a coupon of 1.65% and a term of seven years. This increases the proportion of unsecured bonds in relation to all interest-bearing financing to around 45%.

More flexibility for sustainable investments
In the run-up to the issue, Zug Estates expanded its existing Green Bond Framework into a Green Finance Framework. This innovation enables the company to access other green financial instruments in addition to green bonds. Zug Estates is thus expanding its flexibility in financing sustainable projects and sending a strong signal in favour of the future of green investment.

Under the new, strict selection criteria, buildings and sites are classified as green if they either emit less than 1 kg of CO2 equivalents per square metre of energy reference area or have prestigious sustainability certificates such as BREEAM, DGNB/SGNI, SNBS or Minergie. Despite these demanding requirements, 95% of Zug Estates’ entire portfolio can be categorised as green properties – proof of the company’s consistent strategy in the area of ecological sustainability.

The Suurstoffi showcase for sustainable real estate
A large proportion of Zug Estates’ green properties are located on the Suurstoffi site. This ultra-modern, almost CO2-free development site has also been allocated to the existing and newly launched green bond. As at 30 June 2024, the market value of the Suurstoffi properties earmarked for the green bonds is CHF 418.4 million. This site is an outstanding example of the implementation of Zug Estates’ sustainable development strategies and sets new standards in the field of sustainable construction and operation of real estate.

Confirmation from international rating agencies
Zug Estates has received high recognition for its green finance framework from ISS Corporate Solutions, one of the world’s leading ESG research and rating agencies. This Second Party Opinion (SPO) strengthens investor confidence in the company’s sustainability strategy. In addition, Zug Estates was awarded a “C” rating and “Prime” status by ISS (International Shareholder Services) on 23 August 2024. This underlines the high value Zug Estates places on environmental, social and governance-based sustainability.

Successful placement of the green bond
The placement of Zug Estates’ new green bond met with great interest from institutional investors. They particularly appreciate the fact that the funds are invested directly in properties that meet the highest sustainability requirements and are already operated almost entirely CO2-free. UBS AG and Basler Kantonalbank acted as joint lead managers for the issue. Admission to trading on the SIX Swiss Exchange has been applied for, which further increases the attractiveness of the green bond.

Sustainability as a strategy for the future
With the placement of its third green bond and the expansion of its green finance framework, Zug Estates is once again demonstrating its leading role in the field of sustainable property financing. The company shows how a consistent ecological focus can not only increase the value of the portfolio, but also make an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable development. Zug Estates is thus setting a new standard for the entire property sector.

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