Zurich is developing into a circular city

Zug/New York, September 2023

Zug/New York - Das Circular Cities Barometer von Holcim und Bloomberg Media zeigt, dass Zürich den Wandel zu einem kreislauforientierten Leben mit am schnellsten vollzieht. Unter den 30 grössten Städten der Welt liegt Zürich nach London, Seattle, Kopenhagen und Paris auf Platz 5.

Holcim, one of the world’s largest producers and recyclers of building materials, and Bloomberg Media see Zurich in a good position in their second Circular Cities Barometer. Among the 30 largest cities in the world, the city is making the transition from a linear to a circular economy at the fifth fastest pace. London leads the 2023 ranking, followed by Seattle, Copenhagen, Paris and Zurich.

“This barometer aims to drive the circular economy by providing unique insights into the world’s most innovative circular cities,” Holcim CEO Jan Jenisch is quoted as saying in a Holcim media release. And it aims to “inspire city leaders around the world”.

The barometer rates cities based on a proprietary algorithm according to the circularity of their buildings, systems, lifestyles and leadership. Broken down by indicators, Zurich tops the barometer for circular living. Montreal and Seattle are the top performers for circular systems. London leads the two categories of circular economy and circular buildings.

Among the key findings of this year’s Barometer is that cities in the Global South such as Bogotá, Buenos Aires and Quezon City are increasingly joining city organisations to participate in the international discussion. And when financial incentives are available, such as from the World Bank, cities are more willing to participate in circular initiatives and partnerships.

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