Wincasa switches debt collection to cloud software from Tilbago
The real estate company Wincasa AG wants to handle debtor processes on the basis of cloud technology from Tilbago. The cross-system collection solution Garaio REM is to simplify all dunning processes.
Wincasa AG is switching the handling of debtor processes to the real estate software Garaio REM from the Lucerne-based fintech Tilbago. According to a media release, both the debt collection process and communication with the debt collection offices will be handled using modern cloud software. The real estate service provider based in Winterthur is thus equipping itself for future requirements in debt collection.
Tilbago knows “the challenges as well as the peculiarities of real estate service providers”, it says. The real estate package of the cloud software provider is tailored to the industry-specific requirements of legal debt collection.
The software solution’s intuitive usability and location-independent use are arguments in its favour. This fits in with Wincasa’s so-called #weworksmart work culture. “The overall package of complete coverage of the collection process, compliance with the latest eSchKG requirements and the elimination of expensive maintenance contracts convinced us,” Michael Wittwer, Legal Operations Specialist at Wincasa AG, is quoted as saying.