Competition for Zurich district prison decided

May 2024

The decision in favour of the Berlin team of architects marks a decisive step in the redesign of Zurich District Prison. With the aim of adapting prison operations to contemporary standards and promoting the resocialisation of inmates, the new building will offer a modern infrastructure that meets the requirements of fair and humane treatment. The clear separation of the different user groups and the reduction in the number of cells reflect the progressive approach of the project, which is now entering the next phase of development.

The plan to modernise Zurich District Prison to make it fit for purpose has reached an important milestone. A project led by RW+ Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH from Berlin won the competition to redesign the prison and thus improve the conditions of detention.

Zurich District Prison, located in District 4 and right next to the largest court in the Canton of Zurich, the District Court, is about to undergo a transformation. After comprehensive studies and the realisation that the current structures no longer met modern standards, the decision was made to build a new building.

The need for a new building became apparent when guidelines regarding cell size, lighting and the number of ancillary rooms were met. The winning project makes reference to the T-shape of the building and creates a harmonious link between the various buildings in the district complex. Particularly noteworthy is the clever unbundling of routes for inmates, staff and visitors, as well as the secure accessibility to neighbouring judicial buildings. One significant change is the reduction in cell places from 153 to a maximum of 90, which underlines the focus on resocialisation and improved prison conditions.

The selected concept is to be developed into an approvable construction project by 2026 and then submitted to the cantonal government and cantonal council for approval. If approved and in the absence of any appeals, construction work could begin in 2028.

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