viboo saves heating energy with a learning algorithm

Dübendorf ZH , September 2022

A self-learning algorithm developed at Empa can be integrated into intelligent thermostats, thereby saving heating energy. The Empa spin-off viboo carries out tests with it before it is launched on the market.

viboo has developed an algorithm to save heating energy. According to a press release , the spin-off of the Federal Materials Testing and Research Institute ( Empa ) can also heat older buildings with around a quarter less energy. The user comfort remains the same or even improves.

Researchers Felix Bünning and Benjamin Huber developed the idea while working in Empa's Urban Energy Systems Lab. Based on weather and building data, the control algorithm can calculate the ideal energy consumption of a building several hours in advance. The first experiments in NEST , Empa and Eawag 's research and innovation building in Dübendorf, reduced energy consumption by 23 percent. The researchers worked together with the thermostat manufacturer Danfoss . In comparison, the Danfoss Ally thermostat saved only twelve percent.

In March 2022, the two researchers founded viboo together with Matthias Sulzer, Senior Researcher at Empa, to bring the solution to market. In the next heating season, the company will carry out further test projects, apart from with Danfoss also with other manufacturers such as ABB and Schneider Electric .

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