Alliances to supply 45 per cent of the heat in Winterthur

Municipal heating networks can cover 45 per cent of Winterthur's heating needs. According to the city council, this requires investments in the waste incineration plant and an additional 300 million francs in heating networks. Private solutions must be found for the remaining demand.
The city of Winterthur can cover 45 per cent of the city’s heating needs with public heating networks. Energy from the municipal utility’s waste incineration plant could cover 33 per cent of the city’s heating needs, the city writes in a statement. Wood, biogas and waste heat utilisation could provide another 10 per cent. The new Schützenwiese energy centre could cover another 2 per cent by using groundwater heat.
About two-thirds of the necessary municipal heating networks have already been realised. Further investments are needed for the remaining third. For example, the electorate must approve the building loan for the replacement of incineration line 2 of the waste incineration plant. From 2028, this line will generate waste heat energy from the flue gas purification plant. In addition, around 300 million Swiss francs must be invested in the expansion of the city’s heating networks. For this purpose, a credit bill is to be prepared by the end of 2024, which will also be voted on by the electorate. These heating networks are to supply areas with high energy density with heat.
The city council estimates that around 55 per cent of the city’s heating needs will have to be covered by private solutions. Another study will examine how areas with lower energy density can be developed economically and ecologically.