University of St.Gallen installs new photovoltaic system

St.Gallen, July 2024

The University of St. Gallen will install another photovoltaic system on the roofs of the Alumni House and the Hans-Ulrich Auditorium. This supports the HSG's goal of achieving net-zero carbon neutrality by 2030.

The University of St.Gallen(HSG ) will be installing another photovoltaic system this summer. According to a press release, the new system will be installed on the roofs of the Alumni House and the Hans Ulrich Auditorium on the grounds of the Holzweid Continuing Education Center(WBZ). With this new installation, the HSG is underlining its efforts to achieve net-zero climate neutrality by 2030, according to the press release.

The plant will be financed, built and operated by St.Galler Stadtwerke (sgsw). It is expected to generate an annual output of 83,000 kilowatt hours, which, according to HSG, corresponds to the annual requirements of 20 single-family homes. The roof areas used were determined by HSG students in a Master’s project and examined for their suitability.

“We are delighted that the plant can be realized after a long period of planning,” Michael Domeisen, Managing Director of the HSG Foundation, one of the owners of the WBZ buildings, is quoted as saying in the press release. “It is important that as many of us as possible make a contribution to sustainable electricity production. The roofs are ideally suited for the construction and operation of a photovoltaic system.”

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