Umwelt Arena shows special exhibition on solar power
The Umwelt Arena is presenting the special exhibition Solar Power from 3 November to 28 April 2024. It focuses on the history of the development of solar power, its function and installation and the potential of the sun.
The Umwelt Arena in Spreitenbach is presenting a special exhibition on solar power together with the electricity utility of the city of Zurich(ewz). According to the announcement, the special exhibition, which will be open all day from 3 November to 28 April 2024, will focus on the history of the development of solar power, the function and installation of solar power and the potential of the sun to generate electricity.
The ewz special exhibition shows the huge potential for climate-friendly solar power production that lies dormant on rooftops and how fundamentally uncomplicated it is to take action yourself to have a solar system installed, according to the press release. However, there are still reservations and outdated myths about the construction and utilisation of solar systems. The exhibition therefore sheds light on various aspects, including, for example, how a solar system and flat roof greening can ideally complement each other. On a journey of discovery, visitors are given information about the development of solar energy over the last few decades. They can also take part in a solar quiz.
The Umwelt Arena would like to point out that those particularly interested in the topic of solar power and visitor groups such as companies, clubs or schools can combine a visit to the special exhibition with a guided tour of the SonnenTrail. The possible uses of solar thermal energy and photovoltaics are presented.
According to the Umwelt Arena press release, guided tours must be booked in advance by telephone or online.