Umwelt Arena presents solar sunshades

Spreitenbach AG/Teufen AR, August 2024

The Umwelt Arena presents two new photovoltaic umbrellas outside its restaurant in Spreitenbach. These umbrellas not only provide shade but also generate electricity, which can be used to charge electronic devices.

The Umwelt Arena is presenting two new photovoltaic sunshades in front of its restaurant in Spreitenbach. According to a press release, the parasols not only offer protection from the sun’s rays during the day, but can also generate electricity to charge electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops or tablets thanks to their extendable solar panels.

Two Solaris 1000W models from Streetopia, a manufacturer of mobile photovoltaic solutions from Teufen, will be presented in Spreitenbach. They could be intended for use in restaurants or company buildings. The smaller Solaris 600W model could be used in the home garden and reduce the energy requirements of a two-person household by 30 to 50 percent, according to the press release. Both models are reportedly easy to install and work according to the plug-and-play principle.

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