Test planning for the development of the AEW site in Aarau

Aarau, May 2024

In the autumn, AEW Immobilien AG is carrying out a test planning for the development of the AEW site together with the Aarau municipal building authority. The 60-year-old development comprises a high-rise building, the High Court and a restaurant. The aim of the planning is to clarify the framework conditions for a high-quality further development of the site in order to secure its long-term use. Based on the results, a well-founded directional decision is to be made by 2025.

Together with the Aarau municipal building authority, AEW intends to carry out test planning for the development on the AEW site in the autumn. Immobilien AEW AG is the owner of the almost 60yearold development, which consists of a tower block, the High Court and a restaurant. The owner is a wholly owned subsidiary of AEW Energie AG, which, together with the Aargau courts as the largest tenants of the buildings, has analysed the future requirements for the location and workplace, according to a press release. The analysis has shown that structural development and densification of the site is necessary to maintain its current use in the long term. According to the press release, the upcoming test planning should analyse and clarify the framework conditions and requirements for a high-quality further development of the site in greater depth. The existing buildings will be included in the test in order to show how they could be dealt with. Based on the findings from the test planning, a well-founded directional decision is to be made that will be decisive for the further development in 2025. Three planning teams will develop the planning concepts in dialogue with the monitoring committees. The test planning is expected to be completed in spring 2025.

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