Six projects have been nominated for prizes from the Swiss Business Location Network
Six projects from different regions of Switzerland have been nominated for the prestigious Swiss Business Location Network Awards 2024. This award honors targeted and innovative projects in the areas of location marketing and business promotion. The winners will be announced at a symposium in
Generis AG continues business development
The Schaffhausen cantonal government has once again awarded the mandate to manage economic development and the regional and location development office to Generis AG. Following a two-stage tendering process, Generis AG will continue to perform these tasks from 1 January 2025 until the end of 2032.
New Managing Director and change of Board of Directors at the location promotion organisation
The Board of Directors of Greater Zurich Area AG has appointed Lukas Huber as the new Managing Director. The relocation expert follows in the footsteps of Sonja Wollkopf Walt. Huber joined the location marketing organisation as an analyst in
Economic development Freiburg successful despite challenges
The solid annual report of the Economic Development Agency of the Canton of Fribourg was presented today at the new premises of IMMOMIG AG in Düdingen. Despite the challenges of the geopolitical environment, the WIF supported a total of 40 business projects in 2023. These 40 companies plan to
“The city of Winterthur is often underestimated”
In an interview with Immo!nvest, the director of the House of Winterthur, Samuel Roth, and his colleague Antonietta Lomoro, project manager for business development at the House of Winterthur, outline how Winterthur is likely to develop over the next ten years, the city's appeal to start-ups and
A solid 2022 for the Fribourg Cantonal Economic Development Agency
Even though the past year was associated with many uncertainties due to the outbreak of the Ukraine war and the associated energy crisis, the Economic Development Agency of the Canton of Fribourg (WIF) presented a solid result for 2022. After two record years, no fewer than 41 projects were
SVSM Award 2022: projects are nominated
Nach einer coronabedingten zweijährigen Pause vergibt die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Standortmanagement SVSM dieses Jahr wieder die SVSM Awards für besonders innovative Projekte aus den Bereichen Standortmarketing, Standortentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung. Für die diesjährigen Awards
Location promotion in Switzerland – hybrid conference and awards
Die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Standortmanagement SVSM ist der Dachverband der Standort- und Wirtschaftsförderungen in der Schweiz. Mit verschiedenen Aktivitäten fördert der Verband die Professionalisierung und die interdisziplinäre Vernetzung. So findet am 31. März die hybride Fachtagung
Successful conference on business promotion
Mitte November hat die Schweizerische Vereinigung für Standortmanagement SVSM zum ersten SVSM Dialog Wirtschaftsförderung eingeladen. Die halbtägige Fachtagung vermittelte anhand spannender Praxisbeispiele Fachwissen und Input für die tägliche Arbeit. Der Anlass stellte den Auftakt zur neuen
SVSM Dialogue Business Development
The Swiss Association for Location Management SVSM used the Corona-related "event break" to review its offers and adapt them to current needs: On November 17th, the association invites you to the first SVSM Dialogue Business Development. Interested parties can take part in the half-day hybrid
Annual review 2020 of the SVSM
Der Jahresrückblick 2020 der SVSM fällt – wenig überraschend – weniger positiv aus als in den Vorjahren. Die coronabedingte „Zwangspause“ bot dem Vorstand aber Gelegenheit, sich Gedanken über die Ausrichtung und die Leistungen unseres Verbandes zu machen. Das Resultat dieser
Andreas Zettel: “The new Spatial Planning Act requires active management of development priorities”
With the designation of development centres (ESP) in the cantonal structure plan, locations have been identified in whose promotion and development the canton has a primary economic interest. An interview with Andreas Zettel, Deputy Director and Head of Corporate Development at the Lucerne Economic