Paradigm shift in energy planning
Empa-Forscher Matthias Sulzer und Berkeley-Lab-Forscher Michael Wetter fordern einen radikalen Wandel in der Planung von Gebäude- und Energiesystemen. Sie schlagen einen stärker automatisierten und modellbasierten Planungsprozess vor, der der Komplexität und Flexibilität zukünftiger

A new home for families and creativity in Leutschenbach
The Leutschenbach housing estate, which was built on the former Heineken site in Zurich, marks a significant step in urban development. With 369 flats, public facilities and creative workplaces, it sets new standards for contemporary, family-friendly living in a lively

Strategies against urban heat islands: The importance of green spaces and water
In view of increasing global warming, which is creating more heat islands in cities, Swiss cities are focussing on innovative measures to reduce temperatures. These are aimed at increasing the proportion of vegetation and reducing surface

Long-term cost benefits and environmental friendliness of heat pumps
A recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE shows that heat pumps and district heating are not only more environmentally friendly as heating systems, but also more cost-efficient than gas heating in the long term. The analysis, which covers a period of 20 years, takes

Heating network in Villmergen utilises local waste wood
Die AEW Energie AG baut im Industriegebiet Villmergen einen Wärmeverbund, der auch mit Altholz lokaler Firmen beheizt werden soll. Auf dem Dach und zwei Fassaden der Wärmezentrale soll Solarenergie gewonnen werden. Dafür investiert die AEW in einer ersten Phase 12 Millionen

WWZ expands district heating business
The WWZ Group is focusing on more district heating. In addition to the already initiated project for a heating network in Steinhausen ZG, the feasibility of a network in Baar ZG is being examined. The district heating business area made an increased contribution to the Group's sales in the first

Construction of the Frick heating plant begins with a groundbreaking ceremony
The Basel energy supplier IWB is building the Frick heating network. A woodchip heating centre is being built on the site of Stahlton Bauteile AG to generate climate-friendly heat. IWB will supply the community with climate-friendly heat from autumn

Alliances to supply 45 per cent of the heat in Winterthur
Municipal heating networks can cover 45 per cent of Winterthur's heating needs. According to the city council, this requires investments in the waste incineration plant and an additional 300 million francs in heating networks. Private solutions must be found for the remaining

Voters approve credit for district heating in Chur
The majority of Chur's voters voted in favour of an investment contribution of 80 million Swiss francs by the city to the district heating network. The total costs for the expansion by the electricity, water and heat supplier IBC amount to over 300 million Swiss

Implenia starts work on the tunnel in Hamburg
Der Baustart für Hamburgs Fernwärmetunnel ist erfolgt. Im Auftrag von Bauherr Wärme Hamburg realisiert Implenia einen knapp 1,2 Kilometer langen Tunnel unter der Elbe durch. Ab Winter 2024/25 soll er Industrieabwärme aus dem Süden in den Norden der Stadt

Empa-Forschende entwickeln Energiesparriegel für Fenster
Forschende der Eidgenössischen Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) haben mit Partnern aus der Industrie einen innovativen Dämmsteg zur Wärmedämmung an Fenstern entwickelt. Dabei kommt auch ein Schaumstoff aus wiederverwerteten PET-Flaschen zum