Green cities as trailblazers for global climate impact
A comprehensive meta-study by the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) analyses the potential and challenges of urban CO2 removal methods. The study shows how cities could make a significant contribution to reducing global CO2 emissions through innovative
Implenia kooperiert mit Empa und Eawag für NEST-Projekt „Beyond Zero“
Implenia tritt ab 2024 in eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Empa und Eawag, um gemeinsam an der Entwicklung und dem Bau der neuen NEST-Unit „Beyond Zero“ zu arbeiten. Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, innovative CO2-reduzierte und CO2-negative Baumaterialien zu erforschen und zu
Ecospeed simplifies energy accounting for buildings
Ecospeed is expanding its software for creating CO2 balances. With new functions, companies, municipalities and building operators can calculate their actual energy consumption more easily. Among other things, this allows the effectiveness of improvements to be determined
10 million Swiss francs in funding for concrete recycling technology
Sikas is being specifically promoted as part of a climate protection programme. This is a new type of concrete recycling process that enables the complete recycling of old concrete and binds CO2 at the same time. In order to support the use of the technology, the Swiss Climate Cent Foundation
Neustark inaugurates its largest CO2 storage facility
The Bernese start-up Neustark has built its ninth and so far largest facility for storing CO2 in demolition concrete on a demolition site in Biberist. With its technology and partners Alluvia and Vigier Beton, granulate is enriched with CO2 there and can be
Kone wants to promote sustainable construction
Kone is committed to sustainability in the construction industry. To this end, the globally active lift manufacturer has developed a comprehensive guideline for the industry. Kone also focuses on sustainability in its own business, for example with CO2-neutral
Plant-based insulation as a CO2 sink?
Empa researchers want to develop a new type of insulating material from plant-based raw materials from waste, WHICH permanently binds the CO2 it contains by means of a special heat treatment - and thus acts as a CO2 sink. After the buildings have been deconstructed, this "plant carbon" together
Five technologies on the way to net zero
If Switzerland wants to achieve its target of zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it will have to rely on the use of negative emission technologies (NET), i.e. processes that remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the long term. Although NETs can in principle help to achieve the
Materials researchers work on climate-friendly concrete
A group of materials researchers led by Franco Zunino wants to reduce the CO2 emissions of concrete. To achieve this, the proportion of cement is being drastically reduced and savings are being made on binders. Zunino has received an Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for
Ecospeed develops software for CO2 balancing of hospitals
Ecospeed is currently creating software that will enable hospitals to comply with future reporting obligations regarding their environmental impact. It also shows fields of action for reducing CO2. A hospital association in Germany is the first pilot
Holcim sets itself more ambitious climate targets
Holcim has increased its green investments by 15 percent to CHF 403 million in 2022. The building materials manufacturer has exceeded the milestone target for circular construction. It is also committed to investing a total of CHF 2 billion by 2030 to capture over 5 million tonnes of CO2 per year
Save energy and CO2 when showering
If desired, the brand shower channel conceals an additional feature that can noticeably reduce the energy required for the shower. The channel in the one from Kaldewei has a heat exchanger that is completely integrated into the drainage channel, invisible to the user. This saves energy and produces
Flumroc will melt rock with renewable energy in future
Flumroc AG is renewing its production plant. The centrepiece of the conversion is an electric melting furnace whose energy requirements are covered entirely by Swiss hydropower. This will reduce the company's CO2 emissions by 80 percent. The new plant is expected to be commissioned in summer
Ernst Schweizer is the energy transition maker 2022
Die Ernst Schweizer AG hat beim 8. nationalen Kongress von AEE Suisse als einer von acht Bewerbern den Titel Energiewendemacher 2022 erhalten. Ihr Projekt Klimaoptimiertes Photovoltaik-Montagesystem MSP soll eine Einsparung von rund 7400 Tonnen CO2 bis Ende 2022
Climate neutral by 2050
Bis 2050 will die Schweiz klimaneutral werden. Dafür muss noch viel getan werden. Mit über 50% Häusern, die älter als 40 Jahre sind, besteht hoher Sanierungsbedarf, um die CO2-Emissionen deutlich und die Energiekosten, welche speziell den Immobilieneigentümer zugutekommt, zu senken. An die
Paperi's first "2000-watt area" in the canton of Zug
Das Bundesamt für Energie hat der Papieri gestern als erstes Areal im Kanton Zug das Zertifikat «2000-Watt-Areal» verliehen. Im Beisein von Regierungsrat Florian Weber und dem Chamer Gemeinderat Drin Alaj nahmen Verwaltungsratspräsident Philipp Buhofer und Lukas Fehr, Leiter Entwicklung der
Zurich is investing CHF 573 million in district heating
Die Stadt Zürich will mit dem Ausbau der thermischen Netze des Elektrizitätswerks ihrem Fernziel „Netto Null bis 2040“ näherkommen. Um das angepeilte Reduktionsziel für CO2-Emissionen bis ins Jahr 2040 zu erreichen, will der Stadtrat einen Rahmenkredit in Höhe von 573 Millionen Franken
Milestone for sustainable building is being created in Zug
Die Bauarbeiten für das bisher grösste Bauprojekt mit CO2-angereichertem Beton haben am Mittwoch begonnen. Er wird von Holcim für den Neubau des Produktions- und Montagegebäudes von V-ZUG geliefert. Das CO2-Anreicherungsverfahren stammt vom Start-up neustark.
Second heating network for Steinhausen can be financed
WWZ Energie und die Gemeinde Steinhausen haben in einer Machbarkeitsstudie nachgewiesen, dass Bau und Betrieb eines weiteren Wärmeverbunds wirtschaftlich realisierbar sind. Er soll weite Teile der Gemeinde ebenfalls mit CO2-neutraler Energie versorgen.