Swisspower launches platform for local electricity communities

Zürich, July 2024

Swisspower AG launches a platform for local electricity communities to simplify administrative processes. Automation significantly reduces the burden on energy providers.

The municipal utility alliance Swisspower AG is launching a platform for local electricity communities (LEG). “With the Swisspower LEGhub , we are offering municipal utilities and energy suppliers an elegant solution for the administrative processing of local electricity communities, which would otherwise tie up a lot of time and resources,” said Orlando Gehrig, Head of Cooperation & Innovation at Swisspower, in a press release. Energie Thun AG, Eniwa AG, IWB, Regio Energie Solothurn and Stadtwerk Winterthur are participating in the project. LEGhub is to be integrated into the systems of energy suppliers. The resulting automation and digitalization of processes will significantly reduce the additional administrative workload for energy suppliers.

The LEGhub takes up the idea of bringing electricity producers and consumers closer together in order to cooperate in the mutual supply of electricity. “For us at Stadtwerk Winterthur, the Swisspower LEGhub is the ideal solution for efficient LEG processing and simple support for our customers,” says Pascal Berchtold, Head of Metering Services at Stadtwerk Winterthur.

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