Swiss Life Asset Managers aligns real estate funds with sustainability

Zürich , April 2022

The asset manager Swiss Life Asset Managers introduces the ESG standard for more social and ecological sustainability in the name of its real estate fund Swiss Life REF (CH) Swiss Properties. This should gradually make the properties of the plant more sustainable. The company also wants to take tenants into account.

Zurich-based Swiss Life Asset Managers AG is renaming its real estate fund Swiss Life REF (CH) Swiss Properties. With the addition of ESG in the fund name and documents, the asset manager is signaling its efforts for more sustainability in accordance with environmental, social and governance factors (ESG), according to a press release .

Accordingly, the company has been pursuing a sustainability strategy since 2018. In this context, the real estate fund’s properties are to be “gradually optimized with regard to ecological and social criteria as well as aspects of good corporate governance”.

For better energy and CO2 efficiency, fossil heating systems in existing buildings are to be replaced and new objects are to be checked for sustainability before they are bought. For repairs and investments, the company intends to use a specially developed construction guideline in the future. According to the information, it contains, among other things, minimum energy requirements and “specifications for the targeted use of building certifications”.

Swiss Life Asset Managers wants to introduce social standards when dealing with tenants. According to the press release, this is reflected in regular surveys of their satisfaction. They should also be informed about sustainability issues.

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