Disused borehole in Trüllikon: potential for CO2 storage is being examined

Trüllikon ZH , August 2024

The Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) is taking over the borehole in Trüllikon from the National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra). As part of a pilot project, swisstopo wants to clarify whether CO2 can be injected into the ground there.

The disused Trüllikon-1 deep borehole is being transferred from Nagra to swisstopo, according to a statement from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy(SFOE). The Federal Office of Topography intends to investigate the potential and challenges of injecting CO2 underground.

The borehole was drilled by Nagra as part of the search for a suitable repository for radioactive waste. According to a study carried out by swisstopo in 2023 together with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the University of Bern, it is in very good condition and suitable for safely carrying out a CO2 injection test.

The feed-in test could last from 2025 to 2030 at the latest as part of a pilot project. According to the SFOE, however, it is still unclear whether the test will be carried out. However, swisstopo is already in contact with the municipal council of Trüllikon and the landowner, according to the press release. Furthermore, the potential pilot project does not represent a preliminary decision as to whether CO2 should be stored underground in Switzerland at all.

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