Berne location promotion supplements promotion criteria

In future, the Canton of Berne's location development agency will also apply sustainability criteria when awarding its business support services. To this end, applying companies must answer questions on aspects of the circular economy.
In future, the Canton of Bern’s location promotion agency will also assess the environmental performance of a company applying for support. It has now included corresponding sustainability elements in its assessment criteria. The other criteria that have been applied up to now remain valid, according to a statement by the cantonal administration. In particular, this applies to the two key criteria of innovation content of the investment project and value creation for the Bernese economy.
In accordance with the new criteria, companies are now asked to fill out an online questionnaire for self-assessment. According to the report, the questions are aimed at important aspects of the circular economy. Companies that achieve less than 25 per cent must take improvement measures before they are eligible for funding. However, the location promotion agency assumes that this value will increase in parallel with the growing demands for sustainability.
The questionnaire is a simple tool for companies to quickly take stock of their measures to promote sustainability and the circular economy, it adds. It is also available to companies that do not apply for financial support from the authority.