How a Switzerland of 10 million can succeed

Am 28. Juni 2024 versammelten sich über 700 Fachleute der Schweizer Baubranche zum «Tag der Bauwirtschaft» in Zürich-Oerlikon. Gian-Luca Lardi, Präsident des Schweizerischen Baumeisterverbands, skizzierte die Herausforderungen einer 10-Millionen-Schweiz und präsentierte Lösungsansätze zur Linderung der Wohnungsknappheit und zur Sicherstellung einer leistungsfähigen Mobilität. Prominente Gastredner wie Umweltpionier Bertrand Piccard und Ökonom Martin Neff bereicherten die Veranstaltung.
Lardi emphasised the need for better framework conditions to counteract the housing shortage. He presented four key demands. Energy-efficient refurbishments and adding storeys can create additional floor space without taking up new space. It is not about skyscrapers, but about moderate increases in the height of existing buildings. Conversion of office space into residential space, as the strict separation between residential and work zones is outdated. Mixed zones could reduce traffic congestion and create living space. Misregulations in rental housing law and tax privileges lead to an unfair distribution of living space. Liberalisation could free up older living space and stabilise prices. Objections and lengthy authorisation procedures are the biggest obstacles. These would have to be streamlined in order to create new living space more quickly.
Important referendum
The construction of new living space also requires the continuous renewal of the transport infrastructure. The strategic development programme for motorways is of central importance here. This proposal, which includes six major projects to eliminate bottlenecks, will be put to the vote in November 2024. The Swiss Association of Master Builders is in favour of voting yes to the proposal and is calling for an efficient mobility offering that combines all modes of transport. Lardi also emphasised the importance of the new environmental protection law, which adapts noise protection criteria and enables the construction of flats that were previously blocked for noise protection reasons.
Illustrious guest appearances
One of the highlights of the event was the presentation by Bertrand Piccard, who emphasised the role of the construction industry in the fight against climate change. Economist Martin Neff explained how a growing population influences a country’s prosperity and how more living space can be created by reducing regulations. Civil engineer Pirmin Muff presented practical implementation approaches for the construction industry. Cantonal Councillor Martin Neukom delivered the welcoming address from the host Canton of Zurich.
HGC anniversary and construction party
The major event, moderated by Mascha Santschi, concluded with a networking aperitif, dinner and the legendary construction party. Musical entertainment was provided by 21-year-old singer Joya Marleen from St. Gallen, one of the rising stars of the Swiss music scene.