SMG introduces AI label for visual content

July 2024

The Swiss Marketplace Group has introduced a new AI label that identifies all AI-generated visual content in advertising. The label is now available licence-free on the website. The first successful campaign is already running for Homegate.

The Group has introduced an AI label that will characterise all AI-generated visual representations in advertising. The aim of this label is to make the use of artificial intelligence in marketing transparent and at the same time increase the efficiency and creativity of campaigns. The label is now available licence-free on the SMG website and can be downloaded so that other companies can also use it for their AI-generated media.

Internal guidelines for use
Internal guidelines have been developed to ensure the correct use of the new AI label. These guidelines include the labelling of photorealistic AI-generated content and the use of platform-specific functions for labelling, such as native functions on Instagram. If such a function is not available, the company’s own label is used. A reduced icon is also available for smaller formats.

Responsibility and efficiency
The company presents this initiative as a valuable contribution to its role as a pioneer in the Swiss digital industry. The company uses AI to increase efficiency while acting responsibly and transparently. The AI label will be used for all SMG brands with immediate effect.

Successful start with Homegate
The first campaign that has already successfully integrated the new AI label is currently running for Homegate. This campaign shows how the label is used in practice and supports transparency towards customers.

With this launch, SMG is setting an example for transparency and innovation in the use of artificial intelligence in advertising.

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