Sika sets ambitious emission reduction targets

Baar ZG, June 2024

The Science Based Targets Initiative has validated Sika's emission reduction targets. Sika plans to reduce emissions by 30.4% by 2032 and by 90% by 2050. Simultaneously, the company continues to promote sustainable solutions and growth.

The Science Based Targets Initiative has validated Sika ‘s short and long-term emission reduction targets, the globally active speciality chemicals group for the construction and automotive industries from Baar announced in a press release. Sika aims to reduce emissions in Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 30.4 per cent by 2032. By 2050, direct and indirect emissions should have fallen by 90 per cent. At the same time, the Group is sticking to its growth strategy.

Sika has taken a number of measures to achieve its targets. For example, material efficiency and the circular economy are to be improved through education and skills development. Sika aims to reduce emissions along the value chain through partnerships with key suppliers, among other things. In addition, the focus is on the rapid use of alternative energy sources and the development of new technological solutions for construction and industry.

“By actively working with our partners, suppliers and customers, we are promoting industry initiatives to mitigate climate change and open up new business opportunities,” Patricia Heidtman, Chief Innovation and Sustainability Officer at Sika, is quoted as saying in the press release. “This strengthens our conviction that we are on the right track and offer sustainable solutions that meet today’s needs without jeopardising the future.”

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