Winning project for the first new building on the Werkstadt site in Zurich

June 2024

The SBB has announced the winning project for the first new construction on the Werkstadt site in Zurich Altstetten. The project "GLEIS X" by Leuthard AG Baumanagement and Gigon/Guyer Architekten AG focuses on circular construction and integrates used building components from the SBB material warehouse.

Used rails as supporting structure
The winning project “GLEIS X”, which was developed by Leuthard AG Baumanagement and Gigon/Guyer Architekten AG, impresses with its consistent reuse strategy. The concept uses 12 kilometres of used rails from the SBB ReSale as supports and ceiling beams for the main floors. The building envelope also consists of reused windows and corrugated fibre cement panels. This innovative use of used components was particularly recognised by the jury, as it picks up on the history of the site and continues it architecturally. For SBB, which attaches great importance to the preservation and further development of its architectural and railway heritage, this approach was decisive.

Six commercial floors and one city floor
The planned new building comprises seven floors, six of which are to be used as commercial space. These areas are intended for small to medium-sized businesses and offer a mix of traditional and innovative commercial space. The first floor, the so-called “city floor”, will house services or cultural offerings and thus promote interaction with the neighbourhood. The ground floor will initially be used for car parking and goods handling, but will also be converted into a commercial floor at a later stage.

Public project exhibition
Interested parties can view the competition entries on the mezzanine floor of Building U, Hohlstrasse 400, 8084 Zurich. The exhibition is open until 19 June 2024 from Monday to Friday from 5pm to 7pm and at weekends from 12pm to 4pm.

Werkstadt Zürich – a place for urban production
An innovative centre for urban production and commerce is being built on the approximately 43,000 square metre “Werkstadt Zürich” site. SBB is refurbishing the existing buildings and creating jobs close to the neighbourhood for trades, services and highly specialised professionals. The transformation of the site is being carried out in close cooperation with the City of Zurich and the cantonal monument preservation authorities. Around 35 companies currently provide jobs on the site and contribute to the lively development of the neighbourhood.

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