The Swiss are in favour of the rapid expansion of renewable energies

June 2023

87 percent of the Swiss want to further expand renewable energies such as wind, solar and hydropower. To achieve this, the majority (52 percent) are also prepared to dig deeper into their pockets. These are the results of the Energy Trend Monitor 2023, which was commissioned by STIEBEL ELTRON and carried out by a market research institute to survey 1,000 Swiss people.

“Electricity and heat from domestic and sustainable sources is increasingly important to Swiss people,” says Patrick Drack, Managing Director of STIEBEL ELTRON Switzerland. “Our survey shows that even if wind turbines and solar collectors may detract from the landscape, a very clear majority of 79 percent accepts their operation.”

The opportunities of the energy turnaround
From the point of view of the population, the energy turnaround offers a wide range of opportunities – especially with regard to the aspect of economic efficiency: sustainable technologies are growth markets of the future according to the Swiss (82 percent). The country can become more competitive as a result, think 76 percent. In their own homes, 85 percent are convinced that switching to modern heating technology can maintain or increase the value of the property. “The heat pump is clearly the heating technology of the future,” says Drack. “The switch to renewables in private households is an important contribution to the energy transition.”

Thepopulation wants information
According to the survey, about two-thirds of the Swiss would like to switch to such an environmentally friendly heating system in order to protect the climate and become less dependent on imported energy. To support this, however, the population would like to see more accessible information on how to approach the energy transition. In concrete terms, this also refers to the rather complicated applications for federal and cantonal subsidies. “The building programme is intended to provide financial support for private households to switch to climate-friendly heating technology,” Drack explains. “Energy advice is extremely helpful in this regard.”

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