Schlieren votes for construction of retirement centre

Schlieren ZH, March 2023

be built. The electorate approved the loan of CHF 44,317,000 for the new building with a vote of 76.59 per cent.

After the vote on Sunday, 12 March, the retirement centre Wohnen am Stadtpark can be built in Schlieren. The new building in the middle of the city will replace the Sandbühl Centre for the Elderly. According to a media release, Schlieren’s voters approved the loan of CHF 44,317,000 for the project with a vote of 76.59 per cent.

“The electorate already clearly approved the sale of the Sandbühl retirement centre in 2019,” Manuela Stiefel, head of the finance and real estate department, was quoted as saying. “With this second yes, we can now tackle the implementation-“

The new building is described in the city’s statement as “an attractive facility in the centre of Schlieren”. It is to offer contemporary and affordable flats for older people. Occupation of the new premises is planned for 2027.

Residents at the Zentrum Wohnen am Stadtpark will be able to live in their own flats in a mobile and self-determined manner and, depending on their needs, take advantage of services such as nursing and care, meals, cleaning or laundry services, according to the statement. They also do not have to move to another care facility if more intensive care is needed. An important goal of the city of Schlieren’s age strategy has thus been achieved.

The turnout in the referendum on 12 March was only 22.12 per cent, according to the minutes of the electoral office. Of 9033 voters, 1998 cast a vote. Of the 1991 valid votes, 1525 were in favour and 466 against.

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