Schaffhausen on the way to becoming a swarm and nest region

October 2024

With the "Development Strategy 2030", the canton of Schaffhausen is setting the course for a future-oriented, attractive and liveable region. In a participatory process, visions, fields of action and concrete projects were developed to sustainably strengthen Schaffhausen as a business and living location. The joint efforts of politics, business and society are the key to achieving the ambitious goals.

How can Schaffhausen remain an attractive location for business and quality of life in the future? This question was the starting point for the “Development Strategy 2030”, which the Government Council of the Canton of Schaffhausen launched together with the business community in summer 2020. The aim – to develop a clear vision for the future of the region that meets the requirements of the next ten years.

In this context, the renowned Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute developed the future vision of the “swarm and nest region”. Schaffhausen is to develop into a “power station for social energy” – a region where people actively network, where creative ideas emerge and where a safe, stable place for community and identity is created at the same time.

Participatory process: the region shapes its own future
The basis for the “Development Strategy 2030” was a comprehensive participatory process in which the people of Schaffhausen were involved in the development over a period of several months. In four cross-generational thematic groups, over 70 participants developed more than 400 ideas and visions for the future of the region.

These ideas were used as guidelines for the further process. In order to discuss the selected project ideas, all participants came together again to finalise their ideas. The participatory approach proved to be a valuable tool for actively involving the local population in shaping the future of their region and thus creating broad acceptance for the measures developed.

Consolidation of the fields of action: A compass for Schaffhausen’s quality of life
From the more than 400 ideas and wishes, 12 central fields of action were defined that Schaffhausen must tackle in the coming years. These fields of action cover all areas that are crucial for the future viability of the region. From the economy and innovation to education and mobility through to social and ecological aspects.

For each field of action, a target image was developed that outlines the desired development. These target images act as a strategic compass for the subsequent project work and set clear priorities in order to sustainably strengthen the quality of life in Schaffhausen.

Focus groups develop specific projects
The development strategy is implemented by specialised focus groups made up of experts from business, politics and society. Each focus group works on one of the 12 fields of action and develops specific project ideas and measures based on the objectives.

From the 128 project outlines, 63 final project ideas crystallised, which now serve as a roadmap for implementation. These projects range from innovative education initiatives and sustainable mobility solutions to urban development measures to improve the quality of life in the region.

Seven regions, one goal
The 63 projects have been divided into seven geographical regions within Schaffhausen in order to realise the vision of the swarm and nest region in a targeted manner. This regional structuring ensures that the measures developed meet the specific needs of the different parts of the canton and at the same time support the overarching strategy.

The 2030 development strategy as the basis for Schaffhausen’s future
The final report of the Development Strategy 2030 was officially acknowledged and recognised by the Government Council of the Canton of Schaffhausen. This lays the foundation for a future-oriented and sustainable development of the region.

The “Development Strategy 2030” impressively demonstrates how new potential can be tapped and innovative solutions developed for the challenges of tomorrow through close cooperation between politics, business and the population. Schaffhausen is on its way to becoming a swarm and nest region – a place where economic dynamism and social security go hand in hand.

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