RWB supplies first municipal property with district heating

Baden, November 2023

Baden - Die Regionalwerke AG Baden hat die erste städtische Liegenschaft an ihr Fernwärmenetz angeschlossen. Bis 2028 sollen alle städtischen Liegenschaften von Gasheizungen auf Fernwärme umgestellt werden. Bisher wurden 60 Gebäude evaluiert. Die Energie wird unter anderem von der KVA Turgi geliefert.

According to a statement from the town, Regionalwerke AG Baden has connected a municipal property to its heating network for the first time. With the elimination of the previous gas heating system, emissions of 14 tonnes of CO2 can be avoided at Wiesenstrasse.

The city of Baden wants to have converted all gas heating systems in its properties to district heating by 2028. The residents’ council has approved a planning credit of 750,000 Swiss francs for the first construction phase up to 2025. A second credit application is to be submitted in 2025 for the second construction phase up to 2028. RWB has evaluated 60 properties so far.

The city anticipates an annual district heating potential of around 9400 megawatt hours and a CO2 reduction potential of 1900 tonnes in its properties. “The city wants to lead by example,” City Councillor Philippe Ramseier is quoted as saying in the press release.

The energy for the district heating network comes from the Turgi waste incineration plant, among other sources. The proportion of CO2-neutral heat in the Baden North district heating network is over 80 per cent.

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