RTAG constructs new building in Altstätten

The real estate company RTAG is constructing its new headquarters in Altstätten. The new building is intended to be not only an attractive feature of the city but also a model for environmentally friendly and sustainable construction.
RTAG, a property service provider based in the St.GallenBodenseeArea, has broken ground on its new headquarters. According to a press release, the 1000 square metre office building was planned and designed by the architectural firm göldipartnerarchitekten ag from Altstätten. It contains 40 modern office workstations on three floors. The building itself is intended to be a functional and design focal point on Churerstrasse, one of the gateways to Altstätten, according to the press release. It is also characterised by its environmentally friendly construction. Heating and cooling will be provided by geothermal heat pumps and a photovoltaic system. The building envelope on the upper floors will be clad in wooden panelling. The surroundings will be landscaped with native plants and the roof will be extensively greened. The wood-aluminium windows used will also be designed to be environmentally friendly. The new building should be ready for occupancy in summer 2025.
Roger Stieger, founder and third partner at RTAG, is quoted in the press release as saying that the decision to stay in Altstätten and plan a new building was a logical one. “Our roots are in Altstätten, we have grown from here and we want to continue to develop successfully from here in the future.”