Resource-conserving use of demolition materials in road construction

Schlieren ZH/Seedorf UR , August 2024

Strabag setzt einen mobilen Brecher von Gipo im Kieswerk Bürglen ein. Er dient zur Wiederverwertung von Abbruchmaterial für Strassenbau und Betonproduktion. Die Recyclingtechnik ist umweltschonend und platzsparend, weil Lagerung und Deponie entfallen.

Strabag has been using crushing technology from the manufacturer Gipo to process mineral demolition materials since July. The mobile stone crushing plant Gipo-P100 GIGA produces high-quality aggregates from mineral demolition materials for road construction and concrete production at the Bürglen gravel plant, the construction company writes in a press release.

The Bürglen gravel plant has a mixed gravel deposit consisting of processed gravel as well as primary and secondary gravel material. Storage and landfill require space. Recycling, on the other hand, means that excavation materials can be reused for future construction projects while conserving resources.

An excavator fills the hopper of the 74-tonne crushing plant with unsorted demolition material. The material passes through several crushing stages on a conveyor belt, is screened and separated from construction waste until the end product has the required grain size. This is then supplied to the concrete plants, which use the recovered concrete for road construction.

The technical manager of the Bürglen gravel plant, Franco Martinelli, quoted in the press release, describes the performance of the new crusher using the example of a construction site in Flawil SG. There was an urgent and short-term need for 3000 cubic metres of crushed, unbound 0/45 mixture. “With the crusher, we processed the required material within three days and transported it directly to the construction site. Without our Gipo-P100 GIGA, we would have had no chance of supplying our operatives,” they say.

Strabag is also planning to use the crusher directly on construction sites for major demolition and dismantling work in the long term.

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