Zurich cantonal government invites the public to participate in the fifth-generation agglomeration programmes

August 2024

The cantonal government has launched the consultation process for Zurich's fifth-generation agglomeration programmes. These programmes are crucial for the coordinated development of transport and settlements and secure financial support from the federal government for transport infrastructure projects. With an investment framework of over CHF 1.2 billion, the new programme phase covers an extended area and builds on the success of the previous programmes.

In order to receive federal funding, the agglomeration programmes must meet certain requirements. These include analysing the current situation and identifying development trends in the areas of settlement, landscape and transport. On this basis, future scenarios are developed and necessary measures are derived. Between 30 and 50 per cent of these measures can then be co-financed by the federal government, provided they are ready for implementation.

The programmes cover various regions and focus on specific priorities. In the Limmat Valley, the focus is on multimodal transfer points and the electrification of bus transport. In the city of Zurich and the Glattal, transport hubs and cycle networks are being expanded. Winterthur’s measures focus on public transport and pedestrian and cycle-friendly urban development.

The new programme for the lowlands and the Furttal valley focuses on designing road spaces to be compatible with residential areas. In the Zurich Oberland, the focus is on the accessibility of regional centres and multimodal transfer points.

Participation and consultation procedure
The public consultation procedure was launched on 3 July 2024 by government decree no. 765/2024 and runs from 5 August to 20 September 2024. During this period, cities, municipalities, planning regions, transport companies, associations and the public are invited to comment. Neighbouring cantons and neighbouring agglomeration programmes such as Schaffhausen and Obersee are also invited to participate.

Government Councillor Carmen Walker Späh emphasises the importance of the programmes: “Everyone benefits from a modern infrastructure. An efficient infrastructure is the lifeblood of the economy.”
The drafts of the agglomeration programmes and other relevant documents will be available from 5 August at zh.ch/ap5.

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