Optimal exam preparation for prospective property professionals

July 2024

SVIT Young Zurich's QV-Campus has been helping apprentices in the property sector prepare for their final apprenticeship exam since 2017. Once again this year, the participants achieved above-average results and gained valuable experience.

The member organisations SVIT Bern, SVIT Eastern Switzerland, SVIT Central Switzerland and SVIT Zurich are intensively involved in the training of their apprentices. One outstanding example of these endeavours is the three-day “QV-Campus” launched by the SVIT Young Zurich youth commission in 2017. This campus offers apprentices optimal preparation for the company qualification process (final apprenticeship examination).

The graduates of this year’s campus have just received their exam results. As every year, most of the participants scored above average, which makes the association proud and emphasises the high quality of their training.

During the QV-Campus, participants were tested in industry-specific lessons without grades in order to specifically identify and close any gaps in their knowledge. The most important exam topics were taught by experienced QV exam experts. The programme also included overcoming exam anxiety and various learning techniques. On request, learners received further support on site or via Zoom until the exam.

With around 40 third-year learners taking part, the “QV-Campus” can be considered a success. The high level of motivation of all those involved contributed significantly to the positive outcome. “It gave me a wake-up call!” commented one participant, who was now also able to gain new and exciting insights into the subject of “Taxation”. Another participant commented: “I had planned to study intensively for four weeks before the QV, but after the QV-Campus I realise that this is not enough.”

For many young people, activities such as going out, friends and sport take centre stage, and they often lack the motivation and ambition to prepare for their exams in a timely and structured manner. This is precisely where the QV-Campus comes in, by guiding apprentices to plan properly and showing them that relaxation and proper preparation are crucial for a successful apprenticeship qualification.

After the Campus is before the Campus.

Are you in your 3rd year of apprenticeship and want to be optimally prepared for the company qualification process?

Then register for the QV-Campus 2025 at www.svit-young.ch.

The most important learning rules for the qualification process

If you have to sit a final exam, it’s a good idea to take note of the following tips:


1. don’t forget the good things in life
Leisure activities should also be included in the planning and a reward when a learning goal has been achieved.


2. study briefly and with concentration
It is better to work for half an hour three times a week (with a short study break) than to sit for three hours once.


3. repetition is the key to success
Repeat what you have learnt after ten minutes, again after 24 hours and again after a week. The best way to do this is with flashcards that you can take with you everywhere in your pocket.


4. variety makes learning exciting
Learn English for half an hour and then, after a break, half an hour of business studies. Never mix similar subject matter, it can be confusing.


5. chaos on the desk means chaos in your head
Set up a workstation for learning and make sure it is tidy. Everything you don’t need for learning should be temporarily put somewhere else.


6. yawning helps
Relax before you start learning or if you get stuck. Yawning vigorously, deep and slow breathing
and conscious muscle tension and relaxation help you to organise your thoughts.


7. Learning with others
Asking each other questions is a good way to test your knowledge. What you can explain will stick. You also receive further input from colleagues and can discuss what you have learnt.


8. stay relaxed
Don’t cram the evening before the exam. Check that all documents and utensils are ready and then go to bed on time. It’s better to set two alarm clocks than just one, because if you have to rush to the exam, you’re more likely to get nervous.


9. approach the tasks with a cool head
Read exam questions carefully and calmly. Solve the simple tasks first. If you get nervous, take a deep breath.

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