Public consultation on the Lucerne agglomeration programme

August 2024

The cantonal government has released the fifth-generation Lucerne agglomeration programme for public consultation. From 3 August to 1 October 2024, experts, municipalities and interested parties can contribute their views. The programme includes extensive measures for sustainable settlement and transport development in the Lucerne agglomeration.

The fifth generation of the Lucerne agglomeration programme (AP LU 5G) includes the towns of Sursee and Sempach for the first time, as well as several new municipalities such as Meierskappel and Neuenkirch. This expansion of the perimeter emphasises the increasing importance of regional cooperation in the sustainable development of settlement and transport structures. The focus of AP LU 5G is on coordinating transport development with settlement planning in order to optimally meet the challenges of growth and mobility in the region.

Key projects through station and bypass
The key projects of the LU 5G AP are the Lucerne through station and the A2 Lucerne motorway bypass. These major projects financed by the federal government form the backbone of long-term transport planning in the Lucerne region. In addition, accompanying measures and projects are planned by the canton and municipalities, such as the expansion of parking facilities and the creation of continuous bus lanes, in order to further improve the efficiency and flexibility of the transport system.

Investments in overall transport and walking and cycling
The LU 5G AP plans extensive investments in transport and settlement development. Overall transport, including important transport hubs such as the expansion of Ebikon railway station, will receive CHF 216 million in funding up to 2031. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic, with measures to optimise the cantonal bicycle network and improve local recreation, will also be given high priority. Projects in this area will be supported with a total of CHF 129 million.

Public participation and future steps
Public participation offers municipalities, experts and interested members of the public the opportunity to play an active role in shaping the AP LU 5G. The comments and suggestions, which can be submitted until 1 October 2024, will be incorporated into the revision and finalisation of the programme. An information event will be held in Rothenburg on 2 September 2024 to explain the draft and the planned measures in detail. Registrations are possible until 28 August 2024.

The programme will be reviewed and adjusted once the public consultation has been completed. Adoption by the government is planned for 2025, before the AP LU 5G is submitted to the federal government for review.

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