New recycling center focuses on circular economy

Zürich, April 2022

The Hagenholz recycling center will be replaced by a sustainable, innovative recycling center in Zurich-Altstetten. There, disposal goods are primarily to be repaired and recycled. Circular construction is already being used when the center is being built.

The city of Zurich is planning to set up a sustainable, innovative recycling center on the Juch site in Zurich-Altstetten. It is intended to replace the Hagenholz recycling center. The city council has now approved an additional loan of 4.24 million francs for the implementation of the project, the civil engineering and waste disposal department of the city of Zurich informed in a statement .

The construction of the new recycling center is intended to serve as a pilot project for circular construction. On the one hand, the reuse of as many elements as possible from the Hagenholz recycling hall and other components owned by the city is planned. On the other hand, value is placed on a simple and independent renewal of components in the new recycling center.

The operating concept of the center is also based on the principles of the circular economy. It is planned to repair disposal goods as far as possible and to recycle them.

The new recycling center on the Juch site is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2026. At a later date, the city of Zurich also wants to replace the Werdholzli recycling center with an equivalent recycling center in Zurich-North, explains the Civil Engineering and Waste Management Department.

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