New Master’s programme for urban change

Lausanne , June 2024

Die Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Lausanne (EPFL) bietet mit Beginn des akademischen Jahres 2025 einen Master-Abschluss in Urbanen Systemen an. Einer der Schwerpunkte bezieht sich auf Mobilität und Transport in einem sich verändernden Klima.

From the start of the 2025 autumn semester, the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering(ENAC) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne(EPFL) will be offering a Master’s degree in the challenges of urban change. A Master’s degree in Urban Systems will enable ENAC students to become specialists in adapting cities and surrounding areas to climate change, according to a press release from EPFL.

In view of climate change, Switzerland needs to equip itself with experts in urban management in the broadest sense, according to the EPFL. The new Master’s degree programme has been developed in collaboration with practitioners. It offers graduates of the ENAC Bachelor’s degree programmes in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering the opportunity to specialise in the sustainable transformation of cities and surrounding areas. The Master’s programme is also open to other related disciplines, including architecture, provided they submit an application.

The programme has three specialisations: Mobility and Transport in a Changing Climate, Sustainable Transitions in Urban Systems and Health and Wellbeing in the Urban Environment.

At the end of the programme, students receive an EPFL Master of Science MSc in Urban Systems. This diploma entitles them to use the title EPF qualified engineer.

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