New smart antenna optimises construction processes

Leica Geosystems has introduced the new Leica iCON gps 120 smart antenna to precisely control construction processes and machine movements. The antenna is integrated into the Leica MC 1 machine control programme and enables efficient coordination between heavy construction machines. Customers benefit from a high-precision GNSS solution that improves machine operations on construction sites and supports robust digital construction.
Leica Geosystems, the precision equipment manufacturer based in the St.GallenBodenseeArea, has launched the Leica iCON gps 120 smart antenna onto the market. According to a press release, the antenna, which is integrated into the Leica MC 1 machine control programme, is used to optimally control construction processes and machine movements. The use of the complex system enables precise task completion and fleet efficiency to be coordinated between individual heavy construction machines.
Construction machines with a single satellite-controlled GNSS solution can already carry out operations precisely. They can be synchronised with other machines via the Leica CR 50 communication unit. Customers who equip their park with an additional smart antenna receive a comprehensive and highly accurate GNSS solution that can be used to control machine operations on a construction site. The newly launched Leica iCON gps120 is compatible with the existing hardware and software from the Leica iCON programme, according to the press release.
“Leica Geosystems’ innovative and flexible solutions enable robust digital construction workflows,” said Tommi Kauppinen, Vice President of Heavy Construction, Machine Control Field Solutions at Leica Geosystems, in the press release. “The iCON gps 120 machine smart antenna expands the possibilities of machine control technology on the construction site by providing scalable solutions for even more machines and applications.”