Negative emissions for a climate-neutral future

Frauenfeld/Zürich, October 2024

Energie 360° öffnet den Markt für CO2-Entfernung und bietet interessierten Unternehmen und Privatpersonen Zertifikate für Negativemissionen an. Mithilfe der Pyrolyseanlage von Bioenergie Frauenfeld wird CO2 aus Restholz entzogen und dauerhaft gespeichert.

Energie 360° is opening up the market for permanent CO2 removal to interested companies and private individuals. According to a press release, the Zurich-based energy supplier is now enabling them to buy certificates for negative emissions online.

The physical removal of CO2 takes place in the pyrolysis plant of Energie 360° subsidiary Bioenergie Frauenfeld. There, CO2 is extracted from waste wood with the help of renewable energies and bound as pure carbon. This is mixed with an earth substrate, for example, and can thus be permanently removed from the atmosphere. Bioenergie Frauenfeld produces around 3500 tons of biochar per year. This corresponds to over 10,000 tons of stored CO2.

One of the first customers for the certificates is Zürcher Kantonalbank(ZKB). “Our goal is to achieve net zero in our operations by 2030,” ZKB CEO Urs Baumann is quoted as saying in the press release. “In order to permanently remove some of our unavoidable CO2 emissions from the atmosphere, we are purchasing negative emissions certificates from Energie 360°’s Frauenfeld bioenergy plant.”

Energie 360° also invested in two German start-ups in September in order to develop products for the Swiss market with them. Ucaneo Biotech in Berlin has developed an electrochemical process for the direct removal of CO2 from the air. Planeteers in Hamburg removes stored CO2 from seawater and can thus produce mineralized water and improve the acid-binding capacity of the sea.

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