National Council wants more photovoltaic systems on condominiums
It is to become easier to erect photovoltaic systems on condominium buildings. The National Council wants the Federal Council to amend the Condominium Ownership Act for this purpose.
On Wednesday, it adopted a motion by Ticino SP National Councillor Bruno Storni with this demand. Storni also wants to make it easier to carry out energy-efficient renovations and install electric car charging stations in condominium buildings.
To this end, the Federal Council should adjust the necessary quorums in the condominium law when passing resolutions on such projects. In order to achieve the goals of the federal government’s Energy Strategy 2050, it is important that the energy efficiency of condominium buildings increases, says Storni.
With 119 votes in favour, 66 against and 6 abstentions, the large chamber accepted Storni’s proposal. It will now go to the competent committee of the Council of States for consideration.
The Federal Council rejected the motion. The current law contains a differentiated and balanced regulation of the decision-making of condominium owners’ associations. It should be left to the condominium owners, within the framework of their private autonomy, to decide on renovation and conversion projects by means of the proven rules of decision-making.