Focus on sustainability: company achieves Gold status

Opfikon ZH/Paris, May 2024

The construction and property company Implenia AG has further improved its sustainability rating from EcoVadis and has maintained its Gold status. EcoVadis evaluates companies worldwide according to the aspects of environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Implenia, headquartered in Opfikon, has repeatedly been awarded Gold status by EcoVadis. EcoVadis is a global provider of sustainability ratings that was founded in Paris in 2007. Implenia improved its score from 70 points in the previous year to 75 points. “We are extremely pleased that we have been able to maintain our Gold status despite EcoVadis’ stricter assessment criteria,” said Anita Eckardt, Chair of Implenia’s Sustainability Committee, in a press release. “Many of our public and private customers look for a good EcoVadis rating when awarding projects. And investors are also attaching more and more importance to sustainability ratings.”

During the assessment period, Implenia introduced a code of conduct and made a binding commitment to human rights and to diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI). This and efforts in the areas of labour law and human resources led to a better rating than in the previous year, according to the press release. Implenia has set itself twelve “ambitious sustainability goals” for the period up to 2025.

Companies are assessed by EcoVadis according to the aspects of environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The highest award is the Platinum Medal. The awards recognise the social and environmental performance of the companies that have undergone an assessment. According to the press release, EcoVadis is “the world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings with more than 130,000 rated companies from over 180 countries”.

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