Demand for energy-efficient refurbishment programme continues to rise
Bern - Das Gebäudeprogramm von Bund und Kantonen verzeichnet im dritten Jahr in Folge eine rekordhohe Nachfrage. Mit 425 Millionen Franken zahlten die Kantone im vergangenen Jahr 18 Prozent mehr Fördermittel aus als noch 2021.
With 425 million francs, the cantons have disbursed the highest amount since the building programme was established for renovation and new construction projects. in 2021, the amount of funding disbursed had still been 361 million francs, according to a media release.
Accordingly, the largest share of the amounts, 130 million francs, fell to building services projects. This corresponds to an increase of 31 percent over the previous year. In addition, 17,000 oil, gas and electric heating systems were replaced with the help of the subsidy programme, 86 per cent of which were replaced with heat pumps. in 2021, 12,500 had been replaced.
Thermal insulation projects were subsidised at a similar level as in 2021, with 128 million francs. 89.2 million francs were made available for system renovations, compared to 81.4 million in the previous year.
In 2022, more than twice as much as in 2021 was spent on central heating supply projects. Here, the subsidies increased from 11.9 to 25.9 million francs. Indirect measures in the areas of information and communication, education and quality assurance accounted for 17.6 million francs in 2022. in 2021, 15.9 million francs had been paid out for these.
At 592 million Swiss francs, the commitments of subsidies for energy-related measures that will be implemented and paid out over the next five years have also reached an all-time high. “This is a clear sign that more and more building owners want to renovate or build their properties in an energy-efficient and climate-effective way,” the media release states.
The Buildings Programme was launched in 2010 as an important pillar of Swiss energy and climate policy. Buildings account for around 44 percent of energy consumption in Switzerland and are responsible for one third of CO2 emissions.