Meier Tobler Group AG sells Lüftungshygiene AG to Hälg Group

July 2024

Die Meier Tobler Group AG gibt bekannt, dass sie die Meier Tobler Lüftungshygiene AG an die Hälg Group verkauft hat. Mit dieser Transaktion fokussiert sich Meier Tobler stärker auf ihre Kernbereiche Handel, Wärmeerzeugung, Klimasysteme und Service. Die Hälg Group wiederum nutzt diese Gelegenheit, um ihre Expertise in der Lüftungsreinigung zu bündeln und ihre Wachstumsstrategie fortzusetzen.

Meier Tobler Lüftungshygiene AG, founded in 2009, has established itself as an independent company with 25 employees at two locations. Despite its success, it remained a niche business within Meier Tobler. Due to the increasing focus on core areas, Meier Tobler decided to sell the company to the Hälg Group in June 2024. Roger Basler, CEO of Meier Tobler, comments: “We are delighted to have found the ideal buyer in the Hälg Group. Its strategic direction is a perfect fit and we are convinced that our employees will be optimally integrated into the Hälg team.”

Leading company in ventilation cleaning
The Hälg Group is pursuing a targeted growth strategy and sees an increasing demand for hygiene solutions and clean air. It is already active in the field of ventilation cleaning at its sites in Bern, Zurich and St. Gallen. The acquisition of Meier Tobler Lüftungshygiene AG will enable the company to significantly expand its team of experts and utilise additional synergies. The aim is to become the market leader in ventilation cleaning. Sandro Keller, CEO Building Technology at the Hälg Group, explains: “The takeover will enable us to almost triple our capacity in ventilation cleaning and strengthen the organisation. This will significantly expand our expertise and put us in a position to take on large mandates in the future.”

Hälg Group bundles its expertise
In order to exploit its full potential and position itself optimally on the market, the Hälg Group is combining its activities in a new organisational unit. Under the umbrella of Service Schweiz, Hälg & Co. AG Lüftungsreinigung will offer its services throughout Switzerland under the management of Cyrill Rohner. All employees of Meier Tobler Lüftungshygiene AG are to be taken over.

Cyrill Rohner, member of the Hälg Group’s Building Technology Management Board, is delighted about the new addition: “We want to grow in the service sector and also see opportunities in ventilation cleaning. By strengthening the team and pooling our strengths in the Hälg & Co. AG Ventilation Cleaning organisational unit, we will exploit this potential and play to our strengths in a targeted manner.”

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