Megatrends strengthen demand for office real estate
Zürich - Aktuelle Trends führen zu einer anhaltend starken Nachfrage nach Büroimmobilien. Das zeigt die Sommerumfrage von CSL Immobilien. Demgegenüber erlebe der Wohnungsmarkt einen Abwärtstrend. Immobilienexperten rechnen infolge der unsicheren Wirtschaftslage mit steigenden Preisen für Stockwerkeigentum und Einfamilienhäuser.
Demand for office locations in central locations remains strong. According to the analysis of the 2023 summer survey conducted by CSL Immobilien among more than 200 real estate players, demand in the office property market is unimpressed by the “uncertain economic outlook”.
The main interested parties are companies from the medical, biotech, pharmaceutical, education and information and communication technology sectors, which are closely linked to the megatrends of health, knowledge and connectivity. The picture is different in decentralised locations: with the exception of the canton of Zug, these have not recovered since the coronavirus pandemic. Tax advantages led companies to locate there in the canton of Zug, while space and location optimisation as well as growing companies played a role in Zurich.
The summer survey also analysed the housing market. This is influenced by the unfavourable economic situation and shows an increase in the price of residential property due to general price increases and higher interest rates. According to market players, more will have to be paid for condominiums and single-family homes, especially in urban locations and metropolitan areas, while price declines are expected in rural regions.