Mast measures wind data for Grotwind wind farm

Pfäfers SG, May 2024

The planning for the Grotwind wind farm in the municipality of Pfäfers is entering the next phase. A measurement mast equipped with wind meters and weather sensors is currently being erected to collect wind and weather data over twelve months. This data will help determine the optimal wind turbines and develop site-specific shutdown algorithms to minimize impacts on humans, animals, and the environment.

Planning for the Grotwind wind farm is entering the next phase. A measuring mast is currently being erected on the Grot in the municipality of Pfäfers. According to a press release, this is equipped with anemometers and weather sensors at heights of 57, 69 and 80 metres. These will continuously record wind and weather data such as wind strength and direction, turbulence, humidity and air pressure for twelve months. Ultrasonic sensors will also be installed at 69 metres to record the sounds of passing bats.

The data will help to define the appropriate wind turbines, their number and their optimal placement. They will also help to determine site-specific shutdown algorithms. The aim is to minimise the impact of the planned wind farm on humans, animals and the environment.

The wind farm is being planned by St.Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke, SN Energie and the specially founded Grotwind GmbH based in Quarten SG. It will produce electricity for 5000 households.

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