Solar energy market to grow by 51 percent in 2023

Zürich, July 2024

In 2023, the expansion of photovoltaics in Switzerland grew by over 40 percent for the fourth consecutive year, with a record value of 1641 megawatts. The growth was particularly strong in industry, commerce, and multi-family homes.

In 2023, the expansion of photovoltaics in Switzerland grew by over 40% year-on-year for the fourth year in a row. In concrete terms, market growth even amounted to 51 percent. The new record total of 1641 megawatts (MW) corresponds to an area of 0.9 square meters per capita. The total installed capacity at the end of the year was 6374 MW. In terms of installed photovoltaic capacity per capita, Switzerland is in ninth place worldwide. These are the figures from the solar energy statistics for 2023 published by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, which Swissolar summarizes and comments on in a press release.

Growth was particularly marked in industry and commerce (65%) and multi-family houses (59%). David Stickelberger, Head of Market and Policy at the Swiss Solar Energy Association, sees the trend towards larger systems as “very positive. Roofs are increasingly being fully utilized, which means that the price per kilowatt hour produced continues to fall.” The number of newly installed battery storage systems also rose by 73% compared to the previous year.

With regard to the new Electricity Act, Swissolar proposes that local electricity communities receive a higher discount on the grid fee. In addition, the minimum purchase remuneration must create more planning security for investors in view of falling electricity prices. And grid operators should be made more accountable by means of long-term purchase agreements for domestic electricity from new renewable energies.

The renewed fall in electricity prices and the shortage of skilled workers would also slow down growth. The apprenticeships for solar installers EFZ and solar technicians EBA starting in August 2024 would therefore come at the right time.

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