Manifesto against housing shortage

August 2023

Über die drohende Wohnungsnot wird in der Schweiz viel und kontrovers diskutiert. Kaum jemand spricht jedoch in diesem Zusammenhang von Stadtplanung. Dabei hätte sie insbesondere in der Agglomeration das Potenzial, das Gebot der Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen zu befördern, an bereits gut erschlossenen Lagen dichte, attraktive und lebenswerte Stadtquartiere und damit den dringend benötigten Wohnraum zu schaffen.

URBANISTICA’s Manifesto for Urban Planning aims to raise awareness and conviction among the population and politicians that urban planning must once again be practised seriously and competently in this country in order to meet the current challenges as well as the needs of future generations.

With the advent of individual mobility in the middle of the last century, urban planning in Switzerland fell into oblivion. The primacy was given to transport planning and land use segregation, which led to urban sprawl in Switzerland. With the adoption of the revision of the Spatial Planning Act in 2013, the Swiss people decided that no further building land should be zoned and that future population growth should be accommodated by means of inner settlement development.

The following manifesto is intended to initiate the necessary discourse on urban planning and urban development. Urbanistica is a website, platform and movement at the same time, which sets impulses and promotes public dialogue with the aim of ensuring that high-quality, sustainable and needs-oriented urban planning and good urban development is once again practised in many cantons, municipalities and cities in Switzerland. In the interest of sustainable spatial development in Switzerland, the initiators ask you to consider and sign the manifesto. Every voice is important! Manifesto against housing shortage.

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