Madaster wins pom + as a partner

Zürich, December 2021

Madaster Switzerland has won pom + Consulting AG (pom +) as a new partner. The Swiss platform for circular economy in real estate offers, among other things, material passes for buildings. Pom + specializes in advising construction and real estate companies.

Madaster wants to strengthen the circular economy in the construction and real estate sector. For this purpose, it offers digital tools such as material passports and indices for recording the economic and circular value of buildings on its platform. In addition, companies are networked that are committed to circular economy in the construction and real estate sectors. With pom + Consulting AG ( pom + ), the Swiss cadastre for materials has now won another comrade, Madaster Switzerland informs in a message . The consulting company pom +, based in Technopark Zurich, specializes in construction and real estate companies.

"In order to really achieve the goal of climate neutrality in the construction and real estate industry, an all-round view from planning to use is just as important as anchoring a sustainable real estate strategy," says Jürgen Marc Volm, partner and expert for circular economy at pom +, in the message quote. "Thanks to the data transparency over the entire project life cycle on Madaster, we can combine our expertise with the potential to answer future-oriented questions about the correct use of materials and material dismantling more easily."

Madaster's building passports record data about the materials used in a building. In this way, future recycling of the material is made possible. The networking should make it easier for companies to disseminate knowledge in circular construction and to jointly develop approaches for a circular construction and real estate industry. With pom +, Madaster has gained a new partner "who integrates the concept of circularity in all services over the entire life cycle," says Marloes Fischer, Managing Director of Madaster Services Switzerland.

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