Winner of the architectural competition for the Confignon school

July 2024

The "Cé Qu'É Lainô" project has been chosen as the winner of the architectural competition for the construction of the new secondary school in Confignon. The jury highlighted the remarkable balance and flexibility of the project, which is both architecturally convincing and meets the various objectives of the specifications.

The winning “Cé Qu’É Lainô” project stands out for its innovative strategy of fragmenting the vast school programme. This approach allows great flexibility in the future use of classrooms, gymnasiums and the youth area. The clever layout of the buildings makes it easier to access the various activities planned for the school and contributes to the liveliness of the future central square in the neighbourhood, which will serve as a social meeting place.

Integration and site conditions
The project takes full account of the various site constraints, including the need to create a striking architectural presence at the heart of the neighbourhood. The participating offices had to take into account aspects such as the internal organisation of the programme, construction choices, integration into the future Cherpines district and dialogue with the main public spaces. Mobility management and landscaping were also particularly important. In addition, the school had to accommodate a large number of pupils and teachers, and offer them a living environment conducive to the transmission of knowledge.

Ambitious energy targets and sustainability
The programme for the new school is part of an ambitious energy concept, based on connection to district heating, supplied by renewable energy sources. Natural ventilation and a large-scale photovoltaic solar installation on the roof, combined with vegetation, should make it possible to meet the very high energy performance standard (THPE). These measures support the sustainable development of the project as a whole.

A full competition
In accordance with the SIA 142 standard, the architectural competition was organised as part of a two-stage open procedure. In the first stage, the focus was on the development concept for the perimeter, in particular the definition of the external spaces, the principles of sustainability and the functional organisation of the programme components. The second stage defined the architectural project for the educational and sports programme, as well as for the outdoor facilities. A total of 46 projects were submitted.

Future prospects for the Cherpines district
Following the first phase of construction at Rolliet and the arrival of the first companies in the Cherpines eco-park, Confignon secondary school II will lay the foundation stone for the second phase of the Cherpines project. The school will give shape to the Place des Cherpines and bring the area to life as soon as it opens, welcoming 1,400 students and teachers. The construction of the school will form the first building face of this public space, while the other blocks of the residential district will be built gradually.

Continuous development
The competition was held at the same time as the draft Local Plan for the neighbourhood, located between the industrial ecopark and the sports fields, was being drawn up. The PLQ is due to be submitted to the Council of State by early 2025.

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