Landis and swr+ merge

swrplus AG (swr+) and Landis AG have merged to form Landis AG. As a result, infrastructure construction, spatial and real estate development and building law as well as the water management and climate business areas can now be offered from a single source.
The long-standing partner companies swr+ and Landis will in future operate under the joint umbrella of Landis AG. According to a media release, the newly established planning and engineering company with its 50 employees is based at Landis’ previous main location in Geroldswil. All employees from both companies will be integrated into the newly created competence network. Nothing will change for customers: the contact persons will remain the same. As part of a management buyout at swr+, Managing Directors Thomas Brocker, Serge Bütler, Roger Hersche, Samuel Lienhart and André Wenzinger took over the shares from sole owner Peter Rauch on July 1. In a second step, all employees will be enabled to participate in the company and its development. In addition to its headquarters in Landis, Landis previously had branch offices in Brüttisellen in the Glattal and in St.Gallen. The planning and engineering firm specializes in infrastructure construction, real estate and spatial development, and building law. Founded in 1948, swr+ had its headquarters in Dietikon and a branch office in Aarau. It saw itself as an interdisciplinary construction office for real estate and spatial development, infrastructure, mobility, water as well as environment and climate. In the future, this range of services and the corresponding competencies will be available from a single source.