Climate-friendly residential project in Burgdorf sets new standards

Burgdorf/Seewen BE, September 2024

The Fischermätteli residential development in Burgdorf has become the first entire site to be Minergie-certified. The project is characterized by sustainable timber construction, low energy consumption, and maximum self-sufficiency in renewable energy.

The Fischermätteli residential construction project in Burgdorf has been awarded Minergiesite certification. This is the first time that an entire site has been certified in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss building standard, according to a statement from StrübyUnternehmungen, the company responsible for the project. The residential construction project with ten apartment buildings, which will be completed in fall 2023 after three and a half years, will reach “a new level” in sustainable residential construction, according to Strüby.

According to the information provided, the site is characterized by the use of 6,600 cubic meters of renewable Swiss wood, as well as by its very low energy consumption and maximum self-sufficiency with renewable energies. Greenhouse gas emissions during construction and operation have been minimized. The buildings also have above-average heat insulation and controlled air exchange. The design of the outdoor space increases climate resilience and the quality of stay, for example through suitable planting and shading. The overall concept also includes an environmentally friendly mobility concept.

The fact that the climate-friendly overall concept was well received was already evident during the completion of the quarter: “Demand was so pleasing that all apartments were sold by the time construction was completed,” Didier Pichonnaz, Head of Architecture at Strüby Unternehmungen, is quoted as saying.

New rules for certification will apply from 2023. Unlike before, not only a single building but also an entire site can be certified.

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