Canton of Zurich wants to make solar systems mandatory on large roofs

Zürich, September 2024

The canton of Zurich wants to make solar installations on suitable large roofs mandatory in order to achieve the net-zero target. The obligation is to apply to new and existing buildings. At the same time, there are plans to promote technologies for seasonal energy storage.

“To ensure a secure electricity supply in Switzerland and to achieve the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, electricity production from local renewable energies must be rapidly and significantly expanded,” says the State Chancellery of the Canton of Zurich in a press release on a planned partial revision of the Energy Act. Specifically, the canton of Zurich wants to make the installation of solar systems on suitable roofs with an area of 300 square metres or more mandatory. The canton estimates that this would allow around 60 per cent of a total annual potential of 6 terawatt hours of solar power from roofs to be exploited.

The installation of solar systems on large roofs should be mandatory for both new and existing buildings. Existing buildings may be retrofitted when the roof is renovated, but by 2040 at the latest. The requirement should also only apply “if the solar installation is economical over its entire service life”. The corresponding bill has been submitted for consultation until the end of November.

In addition to the obligation for solar systems, the partial revision provides for the promotion of technologies for seasonal energy storage. This is to be funded by a subsidy fund managed by the electricity grid operators, which will be financed by a levy of a maximum of 0.5 centimes per kilowatt hour of electricity. Competitive tenders are planned, from which projects with the most winter electricity per subsidised franc will benefit, as well as support for seasonal storage technologies that are still under development.

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