Canton of Zurich proposes areas for the utilisation of wind power

Zürich , July 2024

The Zurich cantonal government considers 20 areas in the canton to be very suitable for large wind turbines and 15 others to be highly suitable. It has submitted the corresponding entries in the structure plan for consultation. It proposes voluntary payments by future operators to the local communities.

The Zurich cantonal government wants to create the planning basis for increased utilisation of wind power in the canton. According to a press release, it has now submitted 20 highly suitable and 15 well-suited areas for consultation. The highly suitable areas are mainly located in the north-east of the canton between Cholfirst, Stammerberg, Zünikon and Bergbuck. Other areas in the south of the Knonauer Amts, on the Pfannenstiel and in the Oberland are considered to be well suited. The canton looked at a total of 52 potential areas.

The consultation will last until 31 October. The cantonal government will then prepare the corresponding proposal for the cantonal council. Wind turbines can only be erected in areas that are listed as suitable in the structure plan.

The cantonal government is also proposing measures to involve the municipalities and the population in the construction of the turbines. For example, municipalities and private individuals should be able to participate voluntarily in the investments. Conversely, plant operators should voluntarily allow municipalities to share in the profits.

In contrast, the cantonal government sees little potential for the expansion of hydropower in the canton. Only at the Rhine Falls could 20 per cent of the water be used for an underground power plant. It proposes a corresponding entry in the structure plan.

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