Canton can build Graubünden University of Applied Sciences Centre

Chur, June 2024

Construction of the new University of Applied Sciences Center in Chur is set to begin in spring 2025. The city of Chur has granted the building permit for the project just three months after the application was submitted.

Construction of the new Chur University of Applied Sciences Centre can begin in spring 2025. According to a recent press release, the cantonal building construction office received the building permit from the city of Chur at the beginning of June.

The fact that the city was able to give the green light just three months after submitting the planning application was due to its quality, according to the responsible city councillor Sandra Maissen: “The canton’s largest construction project was well and comprehensively prepared. Thanks to the excellent cooperation between the canton and the city of Chur, the planning application was processed very quickly.”

According to cantonal master builder Andreas Kohne, the realisation can now be tackled according to schedule. This schedule envisages the ground-breaking ceremony and thus the official start of construction in late autumn 2024. The actual start of construction should then be in spring. If everything goes according to plan, the new Graubünden University of Applied Sciences Centre should open in 2028. Initial demolition work on the Pulvermühle site in Chur and the rerouting of the Mühlbach stream began a few weeks ago.

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